Council Calendar
The KCLA Committee for the Clergy Appreciation Dinner are hosting a meeting on Wednesday, February 8th in the lounge of the Holy Family Center to finalize the ideas and plans for the desserts and “fun activities” to horror our Clergy on Feb 18th. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m.
We know this is a Knights event and we are excited to be included to participate. If all turns out as we hope, it will be a fun night. As Grand Knight, Bill Walsh; Kitchen Crew, Danny Cruz; and setup crew, Bill Gunter; we would like to invite you to the meeting. The KCLA plans to have a flyer to stuff in the bulletin and have a sign up after Mass beginning the weekend of Feb 4th. Theresa Bradley is preparing the flyer and the poster for the sign up table (thanks Theresa – so appreciated) No money exchanging – just trying to get an idea of the number of attending the dinner. Hopefully will get more participation than years past.
Thank you and hope to see you Feb 8th
Helen Walsh,
Bettyann Tompson
Co-chairs, Clergy Appreciation Dinner