Council Calendar
Worthies all,
The MIDDLE TN KICKOFF MEETING will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2016 at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Hendersonville, TN. The address is 1729 Stop 30 Road, Hendersonville, TN 37075.
The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM and should end by 3:00 PM. Doors will be open at 7:30 AM.
All Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Program Directors, Membership Directors, Retention Directors and Financial Secretaries are requested to attend. Important information will be shared that will help your council have a successful year. There will be a lot of small group interaction so don’t miss it!
Please RSVP the number of attendees from your council to your DISTRICT DEPUTY (not the State Deputy) no later than July 6. This information will be used to provide accurate meal count.
Agenda and any further information will be provided as we approach the meeting. Looking forward to seeing EVERY council there!